
The case for engineering sustainable roads

The sustainable roads argument happening in parts of the world is seemingly gaining traction in today’s Caribbean societies. Consider, when the rainy season arrives we face damage to our road networks. Today, we should factor in environmental considerations even as we consider the explosion of motorized transport on our roads. Thus there are engineering, societal and environmental considerations.

It is fair to expect our Caribbean governments should ensure that our road construction and road maintenance strategies reflect sustainable practices. Today, we’ll consider areas of road network development and construction which can be impacted by sustainable practices.

Road Network
The idea of sustainable roads in the Caribbean is a necessary consideration. As the world grapples with the challenges of climate and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable practices in all sectors becomes increasingly evident. We make no claim to be a specialist in road infrastructure: this author grew up in a community which in the 70s had concrete roads. Concrete roads seem to have lost favour in some places but are making a comeback, albeit with modern methodologies. Today’s version of concrete roads can be cost-competitive, reasonably durable, safe, and the keyword, eco-friendly.

In some countries, there is research on the use of sulphur-treated bamboo for road construction. Sulphur-treated bamboo rods are being evaluated as a substitute for steel bars in structural concrete for protecting low-volume roads against landslides.

Road Supporting infrastructure
Sustainable roads can integrate technologies like energy-harvesting surfaces and solar panels to generate electricity to power road lighting. These not only can power streetlights and traffic signals but also have the potential to supply excess energy back into the national electric grid. By optimizing energy use, sustainable roads contribute to a more efficient and sustainable transportation network.

Reducing Carbon Emissions
The traditional road construction and maintenance processes generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable roads employ eco-friendly materials, such as recycled asphalt and concrete can help significantly reduce carbon emissions.

In conclusion, embracing sustainable road practices is a step towards building a greener and more sustainable future. This discussion may just be a consideration for engineering and national development professionals in the Caribbean.


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